
Interviews during worktime - help!

I have been invited to 2 interviews tomorrow (short-notice but excited by them). I HATE my current job with a burning passion, it is the very definition of toxic workplace culture and dead-end job. I really don't want to miss out on the opportunities, but my anxiety is sky rocketing as my manager is away on annual leave and if I call in sick (feel like that is my only option as they are both short-notice), my toxic co-workers are bound to discuss it.

What do I do!? I genuinely feel stuck, and only makes me feel worse about the job that I am physically stuck here.

Call in sick and don’t think about it twice. Best of luck!!
Thank you! Ended up calling in sick BUT I got the job I wanted so all worth it!
Congratulations!!! Well done
Too bad if your coworkers discuss it! Call in sick, go to your interviews, and get yourself out of there! They don't know your health and it's none of their business.
Thank you! I got the job in the end so it was all worth it :)
Call in sick and who cares if they talk about you. Also if they have nothing else better to do with their lives then to talk about then... WOW life must really suck for them :)
Thank you!
Are these in-person or video interviews? I assume you are working in-person in an office right now, so if they are video interviews, can you book yourself a private conference room where no one can hear you or see your computer screen, and do the interviews from there? Otherwise just call in sick and hopefully you won't have to deal with this type of toxicity anymore. Also there is a good chance your coworkers are also interviewing elsewhere.
They were over video but there was no where more private for me to go in the office so I did call in sick and got the job, so all worth it in the end!
Don't focus on what you are running away from, focus on your future. Take the day off and don't think twice about it! Rise up
Thank you!