
Furious at the outcome of the Third Derivative Accelerator

I know many of us elphas are already familiar with the depressing statistics around all female teams, teams with female executive leadership and how much less likely they are to be funded than all male teams:"According to the study, published Tuesday in the journal Venture Capital, having even one woman on a company’s team makes them far less likely to get funding than an entirely male one. In fact, an all male team is about four times more likely to get funding than teams with any women on them. The study was done by researchers at Babson College and Wellesley, and looked at data on 6,793 companies funded between 2011 and 2013.""The authors write, “We did not determine any significant performance differences between companies with women CEOs from companies with men CEOs, so it is quite surprising that women are still, practically speaking, shut out of the market for venture capital funding, both as CEOs and participants of executive teams.”So I guess I had hoped that some of the lip service so many in politics and business had been making to seek out more diverse founders would manifest in a positive change to accelerators and funding pipelines. So I was furious when I saw that Climate Tech accelerator, Third Derivative, announced their inaugural cohort with this shortcoming on full display.Is it because their technical review team is almost entirely male? Is it because the staff members and advisors who seem to spend the most time on the project are all male?Why aren't these virtue signaling corporations like bp and Shell and Wells Fargo calling them to count? When NASDAQ and the Oscars ask for more from executive teams and investors - why can't the climate tech industry?