
What are your favorite mental health resources?

Let's start a list here! Please indicate if they're for a specific population (women, founders, creators, etc), and if they're free or paid.
I haven't been to their events yet but have been keeping an eye on for when their in-person events come back!
Very cool! I haven't seen them before
@hillarylin What a great thread - I love My WellBeing:, they have this amazing matching platform, their newsletter and overall digital marketing is litty! But I will let @alyssapetersel (the founder) talk about it herself :)
Horray! Yes what an awesome platform
I'm working on a megathread with info I recommend as a mental health professional on our startup's publication. We write about the intersection of mental health and financial wellness, and tertiary topics like relationship health, mental health resources, and emotions intelligence.
This is fantastic! I love all these areas and it's so helpful to have it in one place.
Thanks, @hillarylin!