My name is Nandhini. I am a full stack developer looking for job. I have completed a full stack developer course from a bootcamp (Bloomtech) but after completing I was doing projects for my friends (unpaid). Currently I am looking for pay even if it is low pay. I am happy to accept it. I am done with unpaid jobs 😞 . My skills are React, Node, knex, postgresql.
My resume : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1di__wS8ytId3247E56en2A8GEdFEmf4y/view?usp=sharing
My linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nandhinimadan/
My Github: https://github.com/Nandhini-Madan
My recent project which I done for an interview. I created this project from scratch:
Use TO LOGIN mailto:[email protected]
Github for this project: https://github.com/Nandhini-Madan/localShop
Please help me to get a job. I don't know whom to ask for help 😞 I am struggling a lot