
User Research Interviews: A Call For Participants!

Happy New Year My Fellow Elphas! πŸŽ‰I hope everyone is starting their year off on a good note! I just wanted to come on here and ask if I can get at least 5 volunteers for a User Research Interview that I am conducting for one of my portfolio projects. I will be doing this via Google Hangouts which will only last for about 10 minutes πŸ™πŸ½. If you are interested in participating, please ❀️this post, DM your email address and a time slot that may work best for you this week! πŸ™ŒπŸΎI am open to conducting interviews today as well. Thanks so much,Tionna
[email protected] @Friday 8th works for me
@nashthecoder Awesome! What time works best for you on Friday?
I am on GMT+3 whats the time difference?
@nashthecoder I can do 1pm EST my time which is 6pm your time?
That works.
@nashthecoder Awesome! I'll be sending you an calendar invite shortly. Thanks so much! :))
Welcome... speak to you in a bit.
I will be joining with [email protected]
@nashthecoder Awesome! Looking forward to it.
@tionnawilsonpierce Which timezone are you in?
Hi @Liva! I am currently in the Eastern Standard Time Zone.
DM me. I could tomorrow Friday.