One of the things I woud love to keep more in focus in 2022 is being more aware of what makes me feel centered, calm, grounded - and strengthen that.
I believe it is this firm foundation of feeling centered that enables more focus, creativity, openness, better quality of our time, as well as quality of our work and our connections.
To strenghen that, I will be paying more attention to (especially) thoughts that gives or take away my sense of inner balance, as well as events, conversations, interactions… and their impact on my mental and emotional states.
When I pay attention to it, I recognize how much feeling centered is realated to
1/ my level and quality of energy and
2/ small everyday things (being it external stimuli, or being it my thought) that “nudge” me into a positive (or negative) direction.
While reflecting on this topic, I came accross this interesting article by HBR with some good reminders about paying more attention to “microstressors” and their impact on us - I can highly recommend reading it, and especially looking how notice this a bit more in everyday life.
And how about you? What are you looking forward to create more of in the new year?
And what first steps are you planning?
#stressmanagement #creativity #intentionality