
Free networking groups for mom-job seekers and career returners

Elpha mamas!

Liftery has two free peer support Circles kicking off next week.

1) For job hunting moms

Leader: talent acquisition guru Divya Shivaprasad (ex-Apple, Netflix, Amazon, AirBnB)


2) For moms working on career re-entry

Leader: career coach and re-entry expert Christine Freuhwirth

* Groups meet online for 60-90 minutes twice a month for 3 months

* They're a safe space for strategizing, advice sharing, networking, and honing your personal brand

* Connect with a small group of same-stage moms — and an expert

* No cost to participate — we only ask for your presence in meetings

Sign up here (scroll down to find your circle and click the signup button)

And feel free to dm me with questions!

This is super cool and necessary! :)