🏆Winning in life means winning in learning and teaching!
Share your knowledge and your network.
People assume I’m outgoing...I’m not! I just want to know how I can share knowledge or make a connection to help others grow.
My background is in Higher Ed Admissions/Learning management.
However, I also have other intersections of knowledge in education adjacent startups and Saas. I’m not proud of all of my career decisions but I’m extremely grateful for the lessons and growth.
I’m passionate about sharing tech tools for productivity in the job search and personal/professional development space. If you have a problem...I’m almost 100% positive there’s a solution in a software or an App Store. Deepen your learning with the help of technology for what’s difficult or doesn’t come naturally. Focus on improving understanding to teach concepts to others not complete mastery.
Lofty goals are great but making small adjustments with micro goals is best! Think 1% 1 day at a time...that’s a growth rate 📈 of 3.65% in a year...I’m rounding up to 4%.
4% of structural guaranteed growth is a WIN for all in your circle ⭕️ of influence. You will impact the growth of others unintentionally.
Reach out to me to let me know how I can support you and your goals. Let’s treat 2022 like we’re all scholars and athletes and see where we soar! 🦅🕊
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#education #highered #career #management #people #tech #jobsearch #learning #development #teaching #startups #startups #share #help #network #grateful #productivity #like