
Career Coach open hours - pick the brain of a career coach!

Happy NY Elphies!

Tracy Michele Bullock, Elpha OG here - happy to invite anyone who have a burning career question and/or are coaching-curious to choose a time for a free career coach meet and greet.

Bring any questions or troubles - what ifs; what nexts; how tos; should Is - any of it. Happy to offer a birds eye view and professional insight.

I specialize in those in startup culture, early and mid career, pivots, freelancers, digital and tech creatives, parents, founders, long-term workplace returns, students, job seekers, and career late starts. Sound this be you - great! Let's gab. If not, no worries, I am sure we can get you off on a better foot nonetheless.

Thanks for reading and look out 2022!

In service,

Tracy Michele Bullock