
Hi Elphas- new member greetings from NYC

Hi Elphas, I discovered this community at the recommendation of a current member whose advice I really value, so I jumped in and joined. I am based in NYC and looking to connect with fellow members. I am focused on product and program development. I will also be launching my podcast this month, featuring inspiring and informative entrepreneurial stories, becuase who couln't use a little inspiration? If you want to connect, follow me here and message me. I am also on LinkedIn and IG. Send me a reply and let me know where you are based. I am excited to hear from you. Cheers, Miss Ajay

Welcome @missajay so excited to have you! I am one of Elpha's Community Managers. Fun fact: I used to be in NYC for 7 years and relocated to Philly 4 months ago :) What is smth you are interested to get out of Elpha? :) And I am at and on IG: womanacrossborders
Thanks Iynna! Let's connect on LinkedIn. I hope that you are adjusting well with your new move! The one thing that I would like from Elpha is to connect with other women and brainstorm, collaborate and support each other in our many tech endeavors and more.
You came to the right place!
Welcome! (Also from NYC!) - where in NY are you based? I'm in Brooklyn.We've had some Elpha-run as well as community members run meet ups last year, hopefully we can start them back up later on the year🀞
@teresaman Thanks for the warm welcome! I would like to partcipate in the meet ups when that is an option. I'm in Manhattan. I would be happy to stay connected.
Nice to meet you @missajay ! I am also based in NYC and would love to stay connected / learn more about your podcast!
Well Hello queen! :)
Hi queen, I realized that I didn't give you me IG @missajaytalks. Hope all is well.
Hey queen! @iynna <3
Hi Adetola, nice meeting you! I can't wait to connect with the NYC based Elpha members as soon as we can safely meet. My podcast is going to highlight inspiring entrepreneurial stories becuase who doesn't enjoy a bit of inspiration :) I'm on IG @missajaytalks Let's stay connected.
That sounds great - I will add you on IG now, and I look forward to connecting in person once it is safe to do so as well!
Perfect! I also look forward to it.
Hi Miss Ajay! I am moving to NYC tomorrow. I had a podcast a few years ago and would love to hear more about your's! Let's grab coffee. Here's my email to connect: [email protected].