
I'm scared 🥺😭

How do you check all of the boxes and a company still says no?

Just to give some context, I am a senior at my university studying UX/UI Design and I have been on the job hunt since August of last year, have applied to over 150 jobs, and I feel like I have not gotten anywhere. I have had multiple rounds of interviews with companies and made it all the way to the final rounds, I have had multiple help from my mentors (really appreciate their help more than anything), in the interviews they always say I am a strong candidate but in the end I don't land the job.

At this point I am frustrated, I don't know what to do, and I am tired for constantly pushing myself and getting so close to the point I have to start over. I am so tired that I have to constantly prove my worth and my ability to do a job and to be the right candidate for the job.

It makes me feel like I am not enough, or I am the problem and I am doing everything in my power to stand out in the competition, but still not a good enough candidate.

I graduate in 2 months, I haven't secured a job, I need to figure out how to pay back these student loans, grad school is expensive and don't want to be in anymore debt, I'm just lost and my head is literally going through a spiral and had multiple panic attacks because it's always the same story and I am tired of hearing the same story! I am tired always hearing the same thing over and over and over again!

Apologizes for the venting everyone 😔💔

Hi! Feel free to message me directly, happy to chat and/or take a look at your portfolio 🙂
Unfortunately, this sounds very familiar for where we are in the UX job market. I understand the mental toll this can take on a person. I know UX designers with decades of experience that have been looking for months. I understand that’s not a very hopeful outlook, but it’s likely your struggle has nothing to do with you or your work. It’s a horrible job market, and I don’t know when it will change, but I do believe it’s not going to be forever. Sending you support and wishing you the best of luck.
I wanted to add that getting feedback on your portfolio and how to stand out in the hiring process is always a good idea. One person I recommend you follow is Sarah Doody. Her content and advice on getting hired in UX is spot on.At least, at one point she used to have one of her recorded webinars for sale for a very reasonable price, and I found it very useful.
The UX market is really hard right now. You may want to broaden your options and find something parallel to UX just to get something on your resume. Something entry level at a company. Project management, etc.
HUGS!I want to say, it sounds like you're doing it all right the fact that you're getting interviews and not just first rounds, you're getting all the way to the end, which shows you're 1) competitive 2) companies like you! I know and can completely understand how frustrating it is to not get the offer at the end :( But I'd say keep doing what you're doing with regards to applications, and then when you feel like you're getting hit in the face, i'd suggest leveraging outlets to relieve stress (like you did here on Elpha! but even if you have friends/family members you can go to for a shoulder to lean on, that will help), and then one last thing to remember that you any rejection is a redirection. It might not make sense right in the moment but I promise it will 1000% make sense!!
You are plenty enough.
Sending you big big hugs, it does feel scary and know that you are not alone. Finding peace in this process is like searching for a needle in a haystack, except that haystack feels like it's on Mars. Your talent, your vigor, your ambition are all there, ready to contribute to a mission or role that aligns with you, and still, the opportunity seems to slip. I hear ya! What is also true, is that this will pass (though often an unhelpful sentiment in the midst of financial responsibilities) and what has helped me is to make a proactive plan, as cornered as I felt. I contacted a few of my creditors and let them know of my circumstance, and a few were kind and referred me to options that could help lower payments. I reached out to my network and referred to local organizations (like the Kapor Center in Oakland, CA) to volunteer on projects to keep my skills fresh and to continue to invest into my network—but this was after I took some time to soothe my nerves and read stories about other brilliant humans who faced adversity in their career journeys, I had to force my brain to shift perspective...I even did that clicker trick whenever I had a negative thought. It's a roller coaster and I hope you know that you are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Lots of these factors are out of our control, and some are, though they call us to step into ourselves in a capacity that seems unavailable, especially with burnout. I see you, I hear you, and I hope the landscape turns upwards soon on the job market. One thing I tried in the meantime that surprised me was, I took to social media to share my skills when I was laid off and grew my following to 18K in a few months, chatting about my interests related to my professional pursuits, as well as personal ones, although I will say, since I wasn't interested in brand deals, it hasn't been a channel for income, but new friends. Now, even in the midst of continued search for work, stronger bonds in community have broadened my outlook. As a former PM, I dabbled in interaction design and came across Floxies, a community for women in UX, and they are having a hackathon this week, if you're interested! I believe their community lives on Discord, if I'm not mistaken, but could perhaps serve as a way to connect with others and collaborate, if you have the time and energy. YOU SO MUCH GOOD VIBES FELLOW HUMAN!
I used to work for a job board and one of the pieces of advice that they gave out was about getting a "keep it together job." Decouple staying alive from getting your dream job. Try to get any job you can that's just going to help you make the rent. If a bar in your neighborhood needs someone to pour beers during the lunch hour rush, scoop that up. If your friend's mom needs someone to schedule her meetings and read her emails, go for it. Find a tutoring gig. Take the pressure off yourself of needing to pay your rent while you buy yourself time to look for a job. It'll give you space to be more strategic in your job search and more relaxed in your interviews, since these job offers won't be life or death. A lot of people I know who are early in their design and UX careers are starting with small freelance projects while they build up enough experience to get full time roles. You can do that while you do your keep-it-together job. I'm also not surprised you weren't getting hired as a college student. Companies hire when they have a need and your not being able to start for months can easily be a dealbreaker. Things will likely start looking different after you graduate or get closer to graduation (and I mean like a week from graduation.) This first job is the hardest one to get. Know that it will get much, much easier from here.
Not necessarily able to offer any advice, but I can totally relate! I've gotten far along in the interview process with SO many companies only to be rejected in the end. It is extremely exhausting to consistently put myself out there after rejection upon rejection. I would love to connect some time and talk about how we are taking care of ourselves through this time. I'm here to be a listening ear if you need to vent and to support in assuring you that you are smart, ambitious, credible, AND enough. I'm also in the same boat of just not feeling worthy/good enough and I'd love to support each other in somehow rebuilding our confidence despite the rejections! And even discuss how we can reframe our outlook. The money concerns are SO real and valid though, so maybe we can even discuss how to pitch ourselves for contract/fractional work.
Hi! You should be able to apply for loan repayment deferment. That may help take some of the pressure off until you find something!