
Job search is EXHAUSTING 😭

Hello Elpha Community,

My name is Gurupriya from India. I am affected by the layoff and unemployment for 6months now. I have 3+ years of experience as a Project/Program Manager and hands on experience building startups. I have completed Google program mangement certification. I'm looking for remote opportunities also willing to relocate. I have already used the following websites to look for remote jobs:




I haven't had much success with these websites so far. I'm hoping to get some specific advise or referrals from Elpha Community.

Do you know of any specific companies or organizationa that are hiring for remote Project/Program manager roles?

Do you know of any Elpha members who are hiring?

I would really appreciate any help you can provide.



I'm sorry to hear how rough it's been :/ Have you checked out the elpha job board and jobs at elpha partner companies? also recommend connecting with elphas that are active in topics you're interested in!
Thank you @MichelleFuentes i will take a look πŸ™‚
Tagged you on an opportunity that could be relevant! And generally on top of what @MichelleFuentes said check out and you may want to connect with @jyob too who's eager to find some job search budd!
Thanks a ton for your response and mentions @iynna :)
of course!!