
Hi Elphas,

There's an event coming up in Vancouver, BC that I think is pretty exciting so I thought I'd share. It's in Richmond actually, if you're looking to go and are familiar with the area.

I'm planning to go, I'd love to meet some of you there!


Thank you for sharing! We have a few Elphas in Vancouver so perhaps some can join you/commute with you and if not, you all should plan an Elpha in Vancouver meetup :-) we can help you with that!@BrookeTraynor @PERowe @nataliasampaio @racheldraper @allisonh @sarahayeonkim @adelatataru @sarahmaledy @PratibhaSindhoor @joanasmita
I know Joana! She was the one who shared this event with me actually LOLWould love to meet the others too!
Oh amazing! Small world
@RoxyQ see you there!!