
Market Research in Exchange for Laser Coaching Session

Hi All! Calling all high-achieving, highly sensitive women!

I’m conducting a survey to help inform a few of my upcoming offerings, based on the preferences for my target market!

If you are someone that:

✅Has been working 6+ years, is high achieving and values her career

✅Is on a healing path & wants to improve relationship to self

✅Is sensitive to energy, surroundings, and emotions

✅Tends towards the anxious side & introverted, and this is hindering career balance and advancement

Then I would love to speak with you!

I’m inviting 5 women to participate in a 20 minute conversation that will help me create my next offerings.

We’ll discuss your goals, preferences of receiving support, and spending habits. It’s my goal to understand your deepest pains & desires.

There are NO strings attached for participating - this is strictly for market research purposes.

As a thank you you'll receive a 20 minute laser coaching session in exchange for your help, to guide you on your goals or areas you’d like to receive support in.

Send me a message with: ‘Survey’ and I’ll take it from there!

If you or someone you know is a great fit for this. Can’t wait to chat!

THANK YOU in advance! 🤍

What is your definition of "highly sensitive women"? 🤔
Great question! 😊Someone who feels and experiences life deeply, as defined by the Highly Sensitive Person traits - of which 15-20% of the population is.