
Boston Elpha Meetup Interest post

Hello Fellow Elpha-ians in Boston,

I recently moved to Boston from Bay Area and I am looking forward to tapping into the local tech community and connecting with fellow Elpha rockstars. I was thinking of throwing a get-together in Boston for us to meet each other. Are there any folks here who live in and around Boston ? And would you like to meetup? Let me know your interest below.

Once I get interest from people, I will put up a poll for possible dates and times.

I am in the area and would love to meet up!
I'm in Providence and would love to join!
I'm interested as well!
Sign me up! I live in Cambridge near Harvard.
very interested!
Interested! I'm free after May 26.
Think there was a talk of one not too long ago? Happy to meet up if everyone's interested!
Same! I’m in the area and would definitely meet up.
Count me in!
I’d love to join!
also interested!
Thank you for initiating this meetup! I would love to join!
Hi Everybody! Thank you for all the replies! this is amazing! I am excited to meet everyone of you! Unfortunately, I am in a tough spot of being targeted at work atm. Hence I am unable to plan a meetup in the immediate future. If anyone else wants to pick up coordinating a meet in the mean time, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, I can set something up July onwards.
I'm happy to plan a meetup sometime in June if folks are still interested.