
10 things founders struggled with in 2021

I'm a business coach with 20+ years of experience.

People often ask me what kinds of things other founders struggle with.

Here's the top 10 list of what  I helped founders with in 2021 (not necessarily in this order).

  1. Sales
  2. Hiring
  3. Managing
  4. Raising capital
  5. Making decisions
  6. Personal issues
  7. Co-founders
  8. Prioritizing
  9. Cash flow planning
  10. Setting boundaries

Which do you relate to most?

I've been a founder 7 times over, with successful exits and over $300 million in revenue.

There is no better person than someone who has been there before to help you through the emotional roller coaster ride of building a company from scratch.

Would you like to talk about it?