
In-Person Versus Remote Work

Hi Elphas,

I need your help. I graduated in December and have been working remotely, but I'm struggling to decide if remote work is right for me or if I would do better in an office setting. I like having freedom of time, but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on office friendships. As someone with anxiety, working from home eases my anxiety, but could it be hindering my career? Has anyone experienced both?

Any comments would be appreciated! Thank you all!

I feel indifferent to office friendships; If it happens, great, but relying on it to be a working individual's sole socialization in our society is not my jam. Mandatory office returns are not for me, but an open office style where you hang out and meet someone sounds ideal to me.
Massive congratulations on your graduation! How is post grad treating you?:)So this is a fantastic question and I am so pumped you asked. I am all for asking the community, however keep in mind (and i say this knowing brief stats about the community at elpha) that most of us here are millennials ie. We have had the benefit/opportunity/misfortune (depending what lens one sees it) to experience working in office! Unlike recent graduates/post covid grads like yourself.So we have for the most part done the camaraderie, have seen what it takes to build in office relationships (“water cooler convos”) and we are able to have a broader lens when we compare it to the wfh setting. I honestly think in office can be extremely valuable as you build your career, and sure while there are so many new ways to build relationships and i think that’s amazing and unique, there’s something very special being able to brainstorm live with a coworker or a manager (especially because more often than not your manager will be someone who is a millennial or above, ofc exceptions happen) and see how they think or arrive at conclusions.So all this to say, i think you should try out in office at some point in your career and have that perspective too and learn from it (what you love and don’t love)!
Iynna,Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful response! I'll take that into consideration as I navigate my career :)