
What I learnt from Michelle Obama's recent Podcast (in conversation with Michele Norris)!

I've been feeling low, and I wanted to share something Michelle Obama and Michele Norris said in a recent podcast that helped. I hope this helps you, too.The Pandemic has shown how "us" vs. "them" this world is. I have food on my plate, a roof over my head, and I can think about what the future holds for me. So many of the people of this country cannot, and that hurts.The guest, Michelle Norris, said, "The great pause becomes the great calibration." Although the pandemic forced many parts of life to grind to a halt, it's also allowed us to introspect about the challenges in society. They said that so much of how we show up in the new world to come is about how we think, but we can't just reach for a new normal: we've got to reach for better. But it's hard. When seeing how so many people are struggling, and even more if they're black. It can feel like you cannot get up and keep going, that you can't help, because the problems are so big. It will seem impossible to do everything and be the rockstar. Our generation has seen instant money and instant likes, but sustainable change is hard. And keeping that change going and engaging people in your transformation is even harder.So what do you do when you feel beaten down? Michelle Obama says that to get out, first it's about recognizing that you are in a bad place. She says to surround yourself with good people who bring you joy. Friends, family, and pets. "Take a moment" for yourself - just don't look at all of the negative energy. Doing so, might make you feel irresponsible - I know I sometimes do! But for a short time, it is not irresponsible, but the right thing to do for yourself so that you can keep going.People think of us young black, white, brown women as "Strong," and that we will take anything that is thrown at us elegantly. That is just not true! It is hard, time-consuming, draining, and challenging to bring sustainable transformation. So take a moment ladies, to replenish, be kind to yourself and pass the baton.With love, Shweta