
When: Tuesday 13th July @ 17.00 CEST | 16:00 BST| 11.00 EDT | 08.00 PDT

Where: Power To Fly

Are you overly qualified but you are not getting access to the plum projects or the next promotion? Are more junior male colleagues getting ahead of you in spite of delivering great work? Are you getting the feedback that you need to be “fixed” in order to succeed? Are you tired of people selling you a magic bullet that will fix forever the gender imbalance in leadership positions?

In this seminar, I’ll debunk common beliefs such as that there is a simple solution to the lack of women in leadership positions in tech or that you need to be fixed to get to the top. I’ll present the vicious systemic forces that account for the low representation of women in leadership positions in tech companies and share some practices that can help you negotiate at work and at home.