
Working moms - let's chat!

Hi everyone! I'm looking for working moms to feature on a newsletter I've started focused on working mom routines and practices. As a mom of a 2 year old with a busy product leadership job, I get overwhelmed trying to manage it all and hearing from other working moms is always helpful and great validation. A couple asks for this amazing community:

1) If you're up for being featured, please reach out! Low time committment - think of it as a ~1 hour friend chat with a fellow working mom where we can share tips/tricks/stories.

2) Share your biggest challenges and joys as a working mom! What questions would you want to hear about from other working moms?

Check out the latest issue here

I’m a working single mom! Always happy to chat about the experience!
Thank you Tara, would love to hear more about your experience! I'll message you either here or on LI
Mee too! Finding the balance between working on my own and raising my child simultaneously every day!
Awesome, thanks Paula! I'll message you either here/LI
@christinezhu check this thread as it might be interesting to you!
Happy to chat!! I'm currently running a support group for Working Moms (because there was nothing when I had my daughter!!) so this is a favorite topic of mine!
Amazing! Would love to chat. I'll message you either here/LI
Happy to chat :) I have a 2 and 4 year old and run a DTC sustainable fashion business
So cool! I'll message you
I’d love to chat!
Also happy to chat! I have 3 kiddos and it's been a journey....and not always linear. :)BTW- for anyone on this thread with pre school aged or elementary school aged kids, check out Honeycomb. A new FREE app that we've just implemented in our school (San Carlos, CA). It's been a game changer to help with the mental load and balancing 3 school aged kids. I've gotten to know the founders (who are x Airbnb and x Dropbox) after helping to implement it in our school and am helping them spread the word as they are looking for other schools/classes to pilot. Reach out directly for an intro to them!