
Have you heard of Quiet Hiring?

Quiet hiring is when positions are eliminated and no one is hired to take up the slack. It happens often and, sadly, the top performers generally bear the brunt. Alternately, it's when business picks up but, rather than hire staff, they pile more on to the people already there.

Consequently, this creates employee churn, where you start losing amazing employees and have to hire new ones. I just read about someone whose company is hiring new people for per position and offering them more money than she is making after 3 years. Imagine being asked to train someone who is getting paid more than you!

Have you experienced quiet hiring? Or, have you ever been part of Quiet Quitting, where you stop doing all the extra work because you are fed up?

How did/do you handle unfair practices? Let's discuss how we can talk to management without getting fired? Or, alternatively, do you simply start looking elsewhere?
