
Okay please help...

so I've been increasing my visibility on Twitter about my company every day...engaging with smart people and posting my about my startup as often as I can. because I need to get funded, right, of course...So then today, someone messaged me about offering help. He is part of an Angel fund out of the UK and I was dumbfounded. (!!!). I realized that I don't know how to have this conversation. I'm not sure how to say what I need or what terms to use if he starts talking about the actual contractual technical terms. I have some idea of what I need: I need an advisory panel for our curriculum build up which features new concepts towards learning. This is a type of program that doesn't currently exist and so I need people who are creative and willing to push boundaries and who can apply principles and not get caught up on what the box looks like. Then I need to know how much equity I'm supposed to give this panel. And does an advisory panel do actual work or do they just look at things and say you're right, or correct this?I'm a solo founder so I have been considering getting some panel support to beef up the overall outlook of my company and demonstrate that I do have people in place to help me get there...I need to know if it's smarter to outsource the building of the platform or if I should get a Co Founder Tech person and if so, where do I find said person and how do I make sure we 'fit'? And how much equity?Then of course there is the marketing/sales portion along with the Operations that go into supporting this company. I guess I can put that under General? I was thinking I would handle this portion at first and then once we get beyond 3m in sales, then bring on a COO. What is the language of this exchange? How do I structure this? How do I put it together? Where do I find this wisdom? ...I'm heading back over to the YC combinator workshop material to see if I can pull this together quickly...Maybe it's just the imposter syndrome setting in...I
Hey AllieB, When are you chatting with this angel? If it’s not for a few more days, I’m happy to chat with you for 30 min and just transfer the knowledge I have from all of the work I’ve done which includes mentorship from an attorney and other start-up mentors. To start with, if you’re going after a pre-seed round, the good news is, you won’t be expected to have a ton of material. If this is a seed round, then you’re going to have a lot more work on your hands. Based on what seed round this is, the answers are going to vary quite a bit. DM if you’d like to chat. I’m booked thru Wed though which is why I was asking about your timing. I could meet if you want to chat at night; otherwise, we can find time Thurs or Fri. I wish you a ton of productivity here.
That was supposed to say: I could meet earlier if you can chat in the evening.