
Are you a child of Immigrants? Do you feel like you have to have a high work ethic because of sacrifices your parents have made?

My parents immigrated from Colombia and Ecuador to the US during the late 80's and had my sister and I some years later. One thing I always remember is being reminded of how hard my parents had to struggle and the sacrifices they had made for my sister and I to have a good life.

Did anyone have similair experiences? How did it shape you growing up? How did it affect your career?

Absolutely yes! Have put pressure that even my parents haven’t put on me to succeed, do well and help out. It doesn’t help that I’m an only child so all of it is on me. Trying to find a balance between pushing myself to do the best and also learning to enjoy life.
Definitely - my parents also immigrated in the 80s! I struggle to wonder if it was because they were immigrants, or that they had to raise a family through a recession. There is no doubt that I get my work ethics from my dad. People used to label him as a "workaholic" but I don't think he loves work that much, he was just more scared of losing his job as the breadwinner of the family and being anything less than a high performer. We prioritize work over almost everything until we feel absolutely burnt out and hit rock bottom. My dad is proud of my work ethics which makes it more difficult for me to "relax". Even though I'm still early in my career, I've already made many adjustments to my work/life balance and try to prioritize things other than work. Even though I don't have children, I sometimes worry if I spend enough time with my partner or pay attention to my family.
Daughter of Costa Rican immigrants here! Father came here at 20 with only like $30 in his pocket and ten years later brought over his sweetheart from the homeland. My father worked six days a week so that my mother could stay at home. He was a hippie microbiologist, and she was a traditional Tica, never really assimilating to the US. The US had to assimilate to her! 😅 Hard work, education, and service were the values in our family. I grew up to be a work-a-holic, taking unconventional paths in my career. Because I grew up seeing them struggle in hard times and still help others, I have always had an abundance mindset. Faithful that things will always work out. I have tended not to have fear in my career moves because I am continuing the dream they started by immigrating to a new country. Now that they are gone, I pass along those values to my daughter. The legacy continues. Pura vida!