
Do you need beta testers?

We are building a community of founders in our "startup roi founders community networking" slack group.

Some are in our acclerator program, some are simply founders searching for crucial resources to support thei journey.

Part of what our team provides is professional vital feedback on your technology product.

Our founder community members are also very open to being user-testers to provide additional feedback.

Additional free resources in our slack group:

- "Get Unstuck" a bi-weekly Q&A session to answer your top 3 struggles you are facing right now on your startup journey.

- "Pitch deck reveiw"

- "Founder Matching" monthly zoom

- "Giveaways"

- "startup opportunities, grant suggestions"

If you would like to join us please send me a quick message here, or on Linkedin and I will send you an invite - all superfantastical supportive founders welcome!

Hi @TheStartupWhisperer, would love to learn more about the community. We are in closed beta at the moment, looking for beta users / testers. Thanks!
Hi @aminaaltaf looking forward to learning more about your startup! I have sent you a direct message here on Elpha with an invite to our community and directions to the product testing channel.