
Looking for Beta Testers! Move your career forward in just five weeks with our new course

Hi all!I hope you’ve had a great summer! My Crabwalk co-founder, @carlychase, and I are looking for some beta testers to take our new career accountability course for free and provide us with some great feedback.

If you are feeling stagnant in your career planning and are looking for some extra accountability to help you set and accomplish one career goal with a lot of support, we’re here to help.

In this course, you’ll learn how to leverage your network to move your career forward in just five weeks through weekly email lessons and access to our career coaches (us!) and educational resources. You’d be an ideal candidate to test out our course if:

  • You’re feeling stagnant in your career
  • You have trouble focusing and don't always know where to start
  • You want some structure and frameworks to focus on
  • You want less anxiety around your career
  • You have 1-2 hours a week to dedicate to the work
  • You’re happy to provide us with lots of feedback on how we can improve the course!

This is a 5-week self-guided email course where you’ll learn to identify and accomplish a career goal, receive proven tools and expert guidance in your inbox every week so you can take ownership of your career, and you’ll receive five weekly emails with worksheets, tips, tricks, and instructions on how to achieve your career goal.

We’ll be kicking off the beta testing in the next 2 weeks. If you’re interested then drop me a message or email us at [email protected] and I’ll put you in contact with our assistant, Mona, who will be running the beta testing program.

Those who register will also get one free 30-minute private coaching session at the end of the program with either Carly or me.

Have any questions? We’d be happy to chat! Just message me anytime or email us at [email protected].

Hope to see you there and thank you!Laura (and Carly)

I'd like to help!
Great! Could you send me a message with your email address so I can get you added to the course?