
Product Power Play Series Ep #1: Innovation Through Diversity (Free/Virtual)

It's happening! So excited to announce that I am launching a fiery LinkedIn Live Series called Product Power Play where we will tackle topics about navigating tech and product careers.

Our guest for Episode #1 is Elizabeth Ames, CEO of Women in Product!

Elizabeth's work has empowered many startups to their glory, her leadership equips women for success and creates a culture of empowerment in tech.

Nothing short of phenomenal! She’s been a longtime inspiration for many.

In our conversation, we’ll be covering:

✅ Strategies and frameworks to advance in your career

✅ Ways organizations can drive innovation by prioritising diversity

✅ How the role of women in product is evolving and key trends ahead

✅ Critical changes needed to improve women's visibility and success in tech leadership

Change begins with us.

I simply can't wait for this conversation. Hope to see you there!

The event is hosted by the PMDojo that offers Product Accelerator and leadership programs to help career professionals from diverse bacjgrounds get hired and promoted faster in tech.

