How do we make the Stock Market Investing community in elpha to thrive?
Ladies, what are some of the topics you'd like to discuss in the community? I manage a similar community on FB. We have 12,000 members there (90% men). The only reason we grew that community was that we figured out the topics that mattered to the initial core members. So what are the topic you'd like to see, ready and discuss here?1) Daily news2) Detailed stock researches3) Summary of the most important news of the day4) Stock picks and ideas?5) Anything else?
Great question! And thank you for asking. My personal favorite is #4 and also perhaps a brief take on why A stock isn't performing as well as you'd predicted.
Nice, I like that. Should we do one stock per week?Letβs say, we take 2019 IPOs, and each week we dig deep in one?
Yea! I'd love that. So it's not too much information to digest, but I can learn your take on a particular stock.
i think it'd be great if the community could create a 'primer' or share tips/best practices for those who aren't investing, but want to.
Great idea, Amy. I have a some videos on YouTube that can be helpful for starters: that the type of primer you would expect to see?