
I am launching Nabi to help you save time and spend it where it really matters to you!

Hey beautiful Elpha community,

I am thrilled to announce that I am launching Nabi today 🔥

Have you ever wanted to hang up while on an endless call with the airline company? Ever wished you could go out instead of doing paperwork? Or ever hoped someone else could scroll Instagram to find the perfect available venue for your event? - There is a myriad of tasks we’d rather not do in order to focus on what we love most and do best 🐳

Nabi is a new generation personal assistant service that helps you navigate through your busy lives 🧡

Delegate your day-to-day tedious tasks to your remote, trusted & experienced Nabi assistant, save time & spend it where it really matters to you - whether it’s on your side projects, social life or simply me time! 🧘‍♀️

If you also think that your CEO and the Kardashians of the world shouldn’t be the only ones to get the support of a personal assistant, check us out, subscribe & start delegating.


You may never deal with admin again… 🧢

We’re looking forward to helping you save your most precious resource, your time 😇