

I used to put my head down and just focus on doing good work…hoping someone would notice me.

I worked and worked and worked, making my boss look good and our clients happy.

Then, I was laid off in a mass relocation.

How could this happen? What would they do without us?

Well they were just fine and I had a choice - I could keep killing myself doing stuff that management didn’t know or care about, or put myself at the center of what the business cares about most.

I chose the latter. Ever since then, I have pursued roles and projects that align with management priorities, and positioned my work as pivotal in accomplishing those goals.

And you know what? It paid off. I’ve been offered promotions, projects and roles I once only dreamed of.

I learned that putting your head down only gets you so far. You HAVE to make yourself and your accomplishments known.

You have to align yourself to strategic priorities and make it obvious how what you are doing DIRECTLY contributes to those.

This is what I teach in my 1:1 coaching program, From Overlooked to Highly Paid.

You will learn:

  • How to negotiate for a higher salary (and actually get it)
  • If and when you should switch jobs to advance your career
  • How to get your work noticed, so you start to get promotions without even having to ask

Click the link below to book a free call to see if it’s the right fit.

"put myself at the center of what the business cares about most." AMEN! I love it. It's definitely a careful balance to put yourself out there in a non annoying way. The loudest voices aren't always the ones that are right! What kind of responsibilities were you given after making that shift? :)
Thank you for the kudos, Iynna! Since making the shift, I have pursued roles and projects with more visibility. I've aligned my skillset and strengths with what the market needs, which results in stronger fit with roles, projects and people. I agree, it is a careful balance to put yourself out there in a non annoying way. It can feel uncomfortable at first, for sure. One thing that has helped me is speaking up for others' accomplishments and letting them speak for mine. Having a sponsor or allies in your career is HUGE and can help overcome any impressions that you are just shamelessly self-promoting. That being said, nothing wrong with a bit of shameless promoting here and there... I think earlier in my career I was hesitant to speak up at all because I didn't want to be like those "loud people in the room" but over time (and practice) I have shifted my mindset to speak in a matter-of-fact way about what I do, which generally people actually appreciate and doesn't come off as braggy as I thought it would.
1000% agree on having sponsor, friends, peer mentors who can do the bragging for you! Constant self promotion defeats the purpose imo