I am starting to think ahead to 2022 and planning for how I want to improve myself. I have started thinking about dabbling in some career coaching. I'm a senior-level UX Researcher and am focused on being an Individual Contributor (not manager), although I'm ok with some mentoring here and there. I am focused on some of the following questions
* I love my team and my boss. Can't complain about my salary either. But am I stagnating? Getting too comfortable?
* I want to focus on self-promotion a bit more. I HATE marketing myself and even asking for help in the job, but I know it is holding me back in my career. How can I improve this stuff?
* How can I package everything that I do nicely in job interviews? I have a ton of experience but feel like I undercut myself a bit in interviews.
* i struggle a bit to make conversation in interviews. I tend to just focus on the work & not the personal...
I would love to work with someone on these questions But I have no idea how to start finding a coach. I also don't want to spend a TON of money on this unless I know it's going to be worth it!