
Why did you leave your last job?

Hi there,

I'm doing a survey on the drivers behind job changes. If you have 2 minutes, would you mind filling out this 3 question survey?

It's completely anonymous.

Thank you 🙏🏼

Done! šŸ™‚
Done! :D
Done! I'd love to hear the results/what you get out of this
Results posted below!
Yes! I'll post them when the article is done. So far the responses are really interesting.
Oh Iā€™m intrigued!
Done āœ…
Great set of Qs - +1 to Iynna's comment, would love to see the results when through!!
Results posted below!
Hi Everyone! Thanks again to all of you who participated in the survey. I'm still drafting the article, but wanted to share the results with you as promised. There are 3 graphs, so will do 3 separate replies.