
I'm putting together a list of resouces for my women's ERG...

I'm putting together a list of resources for my women's ERG. Of course I will be including Elpha. This has been my favorite community for my career and mental health. Would love to add more (maybe a podcast or book). My list now:

  • Elpha
  • Ellevest
  • ThSkimm
  • Women's March

What is your favorite women-focused resource for work or mental health?

I love Elpha and TheSkimm, too! Another resource you could add is WeAreRosie
Aw thank you so much, Amy! We're honestly so greateful you're here and would include us. A few others that might be cool include: Female Quotient and Million Dollar Women though this one is focused on women entrepreneurs with $1M in sales (at least)I don't know if you've seen this piece but i thought it might be interesting for you