
Soul Counseling session: Want to feel more connected with yourself and feeling home and comfortable with yourself?

Soul Counseling session

Do you want to get more out of your soul connection and interaction with yourself, want to know what is going on and be able to respond on that, putting your soul’s desire at the center and act on it, advancing to higher consciousness? Then soul counseling session is something for you.

Soul counseling session is designed to allow you to grow to another level of your consciousness. As you connect with your soul, start working together as communication between your soul and your parts your contact with yourself becomes deeper. This allows your soul as your soul light to be more present with you as in your daily life and that gives a sense of home.

It is also possible to tap into your higher parts (further developed parts) that can assist you with your processes. In other words how the soul parts can assist each other. In addition, you also work indirectly on other things such as: alignment, improving foundation/grounding, and for those who want to also work on your ascension.

It is often the case that this accelerates a process and allows you to go to another level of consciousness. You move up a level, so to speak. It also gives you more control over your life. This session is also very pleasant when you are going through processes, so that you can keep track of your processes.

For more information about the Soul Counseling session check the website:

Enjoy your day,

Soulcore Coaching