
I caught an exec naked…

with their significant other…

in the office…


and I felt like the failure. 🤦‍♀️

Why was I in this job?

Why did I work for people who didn’t care about me or fellow colleagues?

Why did my boss have s$x in the office? When they knew they’d get caught?


I felt like a failure because I gave my all and not much was considered in return.

Values were not aligned.

Many of us have feelings similar to this.

We often bear them alone.

I created the F’ing Up Podcast to share real truths about the career journeys of successful individuals.

I interview these individuals, point out what they’ve achieved and immediately throw that out the window and focus on the tripping hazards along the way.

Society has programmed us, largely by way of social media, to think success happens easily and overnight. I point out the realities and humanize the experience by asking probing questions and urging guests to be vulnerable.

Listen to episodes anywhere you listen to podcasts, just search for the F’ing Up Podcast (links are listed below).



omg stop. this is lowkey hilarious! I guess the exec had their own needs ;-)
More surprised it was with their SO than anything else.
And they lived together…
wait i don't get it, why is it surprising? isn't that better than with a mistress?!
That's why I'm surprised; They (lbr, he) may not have had the respect for his subordinates at the office but he had respect enough to not cheat (presumably).
Oooo okay I see what you're saying!!! thanks for clarifying!
Because they can be intimate in the privacy of their own home vs the office…
Yeah i get it now. Not justifying or judging the exec, but yeah people have their kinks.
It was sexual harassment that went under the radar. I wish I had dealt with it, especially since it happened more than once.
i'm sorry you had to deal with that situation and its aftermath. Hope you have found ways to heal over time xx
Wow...I can only imagine the mixed feelings you had in that moment 😨 Somehow, the first thing I thought while reading your post was "she felt like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, almost blaming herself for that. But was she really? Wasn't the exec doing the wrong thing in what he thought was the "right" place, and should've been the one feeling ashamed and apologetic?".I'm just 26 and I haven't lived much of the "corporate life" but I know that there are recurring thoughts of self doubt and uncertainties that we, as women, would have as a result of social and cultural influences that we absorbed since day 1. This said, I truly believe that is by sharing these experiences and reflections, and opening the conversation to the world like with your podcast, that we can help each other and gradually de-construct certain patterns, and integrate in our daily like new behaviours that reflect our confidence ✨Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to listening to your podcast!! 🙏🏽
EXACTLY!! You summarized this well. Thank you! I appreciate your support.
TWICE! Once is a mistake, twice is them being deliberately voreuristic!