
Hey all!

I re-launched my Program Sustainable Life Cadence earlier this month after a really fun and fulfilling pilot run of it in the Spring. The next cohort for the Program begins on July 6th. It's 7 weeks long. We meet six times with a one week break in the middle for integration. I'm sharing it here because recent events globally and my own personal life have been reminding me of the importance of slowing down so I thought I'd share about my own journey to slowing down that led to this Program.

And also I want to share because I still have some scholarship money available for the Program thanks to some really generous humans in my community for folx who need some financial assistance to take part in it with preference to folx who identify as BIPOC and/or queer.

Without further ado, here's more about the program:

The genesis of this program is that I myself wanted to live a slower life. I found myself in the world of working for myself without any structure whatsoever and that resulted in me defaulting back to the only structure I knew: the 9 to 5. But that didn't quite work. It felt unnecessarily chaotic.

It felt like I didn't have enough time and also like I wasn't doing enough all the time.

I didn't want to feel like that anymore so I set out to find something different. I started by looking in nature because it always has the answers. And I found the moon cycle. And then I found the days of the week. And then I started learning about astrology and how to align with it. And then I started to ask myself the tough questions:

1. What is driving me to rush?

2. Why do I really feel like I'm not doing enough?

3. What am I afraid will happen if I slow down?

Then I spent a solid 1.5 years playing and tweaking with my schedule and life cadence until I landed on something that felt expansive and easeful.

And now I can say without a shadow of a doubt that my life is a slow one. I have plenty of time to read, work, write, cook extravagant meals, observe nature, nap, cry if I need to, tend to my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical self as long as I need to, and give the people in my life (especially my nephew) my full attention.

I love this Program because it's changed my life. And now I know with the benefit of the spring Pilot, that it has the ability to change yours as well.

I'd love for you to join the Program if it's calling to you. There's all sorts of ways to opt in (one payment of $777 or three payments of $259). There's fun upgrades available if you want some more 1:1 time with me (2 sessions plus the program is $1,410 or three payments of $470). And as I mentioned, there is scholariship money available if that's what you're needing.

Okay, that's all. Thanks for reading this and feel free to message me or reply below with questions. Have a lovely Wednesday and take exquisite care of yourself.