
What book about money/investing etc would you recommend?

I loved Psychology of Money by Housel. I most liked it because it encourages individual approach to money, related to your beliefs, preferences, lifestyle aspirations etc and not giving the "cookie cutter" approach of standardized steps.

What are your favorites (and why)?

I would like to create "finance-related booklist" and keep on coming back to them often :)

Hi there! I can't recommend "We Should All Be Millionaires" by Rachel Rogers enough. I listened to it on audible and then ordered a hard copy so I could re-read it and take notes. It's by far the most candid, relatable discussion of money and gender I've ever encountered in book form and it's helped me (and some of my clients) gain clarity around why more women need to make more money. It's part tactical strategy and part mindset work and she does a lovely job of dovetailing both!
@liztalago thank you so much for sharing, I haven't heard of this book before, and it has really great goodreads reviews. So I grabbed it to my kindle and will be reading it as soon as a bit of my "reading capacity" opens up (which I think will be in late February)
You are so welcome! I'm considering seeing if there's interest in a book club of sorts with fellow elphas that have interest in this book.
I loved this, too. There's a whole new narrative around money especially for females and Rachel is part of it.
Thank you for sharing...I will also check it out.
oh sorry, i totally missed to see, I scrolled through previous questions in this community but missed to check on search :( thank you for reconnecting the topics @iynna <3 and I will be checking all these others that you shared :)
OMG please don't worry at all - that's why I am here!
@liztalago is absolutely spot on. I'm listening to We Should All Be Millionaires on repeat on Audible.
It's so dang good! I feel like Rachel is saying all the things I've been thinking for years.
I really enjoyed ā€œI will teach you to be richā€!
ooooh I have to admit I really dont resonate with that title :D has such a superior position.... I will try to get overmyself and grab it anyway hehe especially as it has very good goodreads reviews, but would also be super helpful to hear what you found valuable about it ;)
@Mirna I also have read this book, and I was also initially turned off by the title! The author talks about what "rich" means to everyone - to some it means travelling, to some it means paying for their children's college, etc. I thought the book was a really easy to understand especially for someone like me with very little money/investing knowledge!
I second this. I really enjoy the book and how Ramit offers practical advice instead of "one size fits all" approach.
I second this as well. Ramitā€™s trying to change our mindset about money. Heā€™s trying to break this phenomenon about money being so mysterious that we will never understand how to have a healthy relationship with it, this feeling is true for many like me. I recommend watching his sessions with couples on youtube, they are long but I listen to them when doing chores around the house so it works out. ;)
I loved the little book of common sense investing by John Bogle - he was the Founder of Vanguard. Investing doesnā€™t need to be complicated and this book is a super informative yet quick read!
Great question Mirna! Excited to check out the resources from Liz! I recently finished Elizabeth Yinā€™s Democratizing Knowledge, which has a few threads on angel investing specifically and the startup ecosystem broadly. I joined Hustle Fund because Iā€™m a huge fan of Elizabeth and the work sheā€™s doing to democratize wealth creation through startups. More info here if you want to download the book for free:
Millionaire Teacher! Itā€™s the first book I read when I wanted to start investing and was a great intro to the basics. Itā€™s a simple, easy read. Totally recommend it to anyone who is just starting out!
I believe strongly your mindset around money is as important as the strategy books. For this reason I love You are a Badass at Making Money and Happy Pocketful of Money. I will also add, I started spending more time with successful female entrepreneurs - not necessarily in tech - though some are - and can't recommend this enough. You want to be in the room with other women making money and wise decisions with it. I can tell you I'm making much different financial decisions with my money now, as of a few years ago, and the effects are already quite impactful. We are taught by 'the system' from an early age to save into 401Ks and 529s. However, there are additional options and vehicles to consider as well that might be more beneficial to you depending on your situation.
@ChristineFiske interesting, Iā€™d love to hear what other savings options youā€™ve considered aside from 401ks
Love all these suggestions! Many of these I have read and others Iā€™m excited to check out.Wanted to throw in ā€œYour money or your lifeā€ by Vicki Robin. This was one of the first $ books I read and completely made me rethink my outlook on life and the ā€œpaid employmentā€.ā€œThe simple path to wealthā€ by J.L. Collins is a great simple investing book and ā€œBroke Millennial Takes on Investingā€ was a great read to help me learn the very basics of investing and what all the terms mean in a very non-judge mental/ non-jargonny way
@Mirna Hi there, I'll always recommend the classics. Rich dad poor dad- Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon LechterRichest man in Babylon- George ClasonThink and grow Rich- Napoleon HillI love these classics because they helped me reshape my mindset about the idea of making and growing money beyond a 9-5 income.A more recent one from a Nigerian Writer- The smart money woman- Arese Ugwu. I love this one because it is pro-women and it address most of the 'ruinous' money habits of African women...also the writer made it into series showing on netfix.Enjoy!
Psychology of Money is my favorite too :)Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is also a good to understand, shape the financial wellbeing mindset. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham understanding stock market fluctuations and investment mindset. Used & recommneded by Warren Buffet.
thanks :)
"Your Money or Your Life" was a game changer for me. I appreciated how Vicki Robin went into motivations beyond money.
Great; thanks so much for sharing :) what made it a ā€œgame changerā€ for you?
@Mirna The simple path to wealth by JL Collins
"Get Good with Money" by Tiffany Aliche is a really great read for personal finance lovers at any life stage! She breaks large and confusing concepts down into easily digestible chapters and to-do list items. A must-have for any young adults just starting out, and something I keep referring back to in my adult life as well!
Overcoming Underearning! This book is an exceptional resource for those who struggle with financial issues and want to improve their financial situation. Specifically, the book is ideal for:- People who feel stuck in their careers and aren't making the money they feel they deserve.- Individuals who struggle with managing their finances or budgeting effectively.- Those who have difficulty negotiating salaries or asking for raises.- People who feel anxious or fearful when it comes to money matters.- Those who want to understand the psychological and emotional factors that can impact their financial decisions.- Individuals who want to build a healthy relationship with money and create financial security for themselves.
Saved some recs from this thread! The best book I read about investing is 'Girls That Invest' by Simran Kaur (the namesake podcast is awesome too, although they switched more entrepreneurship & startup investing). The best book I read about investing is 'Girls That Invest' by Simran Kaur (the namesake podcast is awesome too, although they switched more entrepreneurship & startup investing). It really nicely breaks how the stock market works (without any intimidating financial terms), how to value invest and construct a nice portfolio for yourself. Great both in terms of shaping your mindset (and addressing your fears) and giving you practice knowledge to apply immediately.