I read this article recently (https://elemental.medium.com/doctors-think-your-period-should-be-a-fifth-vital-sign-5b882c864783) about how some doctors believe that your period is a key indicator of a woman's health and should be a 5th vital sign. I found this fascinating as I've never thought about it before, but it makes complete sense since we are practically run by our hormones, hormones fluctuate with the different things we do and put into our body, which in turn has an effect on how our menstruation looks.
I feel like we, as women , are so accustomed to thinking that any "side effects" of menstruating are considered normal i.e. period pain, irregular periods, PMS etc. and this is largely due to a lack of information and education. In fact, according to the article, changes in a woman's menstruation patterns are just as important a health indicator as body temperature, pulse and blood pressure. If that is the case, wouldn't it be interesting to know whether we can influence our menstruation health with things like nutrition and exercise? I have found a bunch of research articles on science backed strategies to regulate your cycle with exercise and nutrition, and even big period tracking companies are starting to create programs that optimize your exercise and nutrition based on where you are in your cycle.
Since this is something i have recently become super interested in, I was wondering if we could start a thread on ladies experimenting with lifestyle changes to regulate period pain :)