
Career pivot - getting into People Ops

Hi all! I'm looking to make a career pivot, ideally into People Ops. I have experience in HR but no formal certifications. Would you suggest I pursue an HR certification to better position myself for a job in People Ops, or will I have any luck landing a new gig without a cert? Thanks for tour advice!

Hey Kelly! Coming from somebody who just posted our team's first People Ops role yesterday, I could personally care less if you have a formal HR certification. Hiring is much more about real-world experience, values, and personality fit for our team. I'm guessing this is likely true for most smaller companies.Feel free to check out the role and apply if interested 😊
Amazing! This role looks fantastic. The only caveat for me is that I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and due in December, so applying for a new role now (as much as I want out of my current role and into a new company just like this one) doesn’t seem feasible as I’m not sure if a company would consider me knowing I’m not available to start work until ~March/April 2022. As someone who is in a hiring role, do you have any advice about timing for me? With an anticipated start date of March/April would you suggest I wait to apply for a role like this until January/February? Thank you for connecting and sharing this role! It gives me hope that I can find a new company and position that is a great fit for what I’m looking for.
The interview process can take a long time at some companies, so I'd say there's no harm in starting to apply now. The company may be willing to wait for the right person (but some might not... so just be prepared for that). Especially if you're still shopping around, getting in extra interview practice might not be a bad thing to figure out what you really want in your next role and company. If you start earlier, you have the opportunity to be more selective and make sure it's the right fit.
Following this! In the same situation, but no "formal HR" experience, but lots of transferable skills