
Do you have 15 min to leave feedback on my career coaching product?

Hi all!Late last year I launched an MVP version of a career coaching platform. Based on the success of V1, I'm relaunching the program!I'm looking to get feedback on V2 before officially launching and would love to hear from this group. Anyone who provides feedback will be given priority for admission into this next cohort (if interested).If you have time to do a quick 15-min video call where I can share my screen and you just provide live product feedback, that would be great!Β I have availabilities from Tues, Jan 5 - Jan 12. You can schedule here (removed since I actually got such a great response I now have more than I need scheduled). If you don't have time to walk through live, let me know and I can send some instructions over DM on how to access things and provide feedback on your own time.Thanks so much!EDIT: Got such an amazing response I'm basically all booked up for the week. But would still love more feedback from anyone who is able to do so via DM. I'll share with you a link to the page and some questions to get your reaction to it.Thanks!
I love doing this stuff, I signed up.
Thanks so much!!
Yay thanks! Looking forward to it
Could you send me insrtructions through DM ? I will reply back with feedback . Thanks !
Just sent! Appreciate it!!
Just signed up!
Yay! Thanks so much!!
Signed up!
Thanks!! Looking forward to connecting!
Happy to help! Just scheduled us some time and love this business idea!
Appreciate it! Thanks!
Just signed up as well!
Happy to help! Would you be able to DM me instructions on how/where to take a look?
Love helping. Just signed up!
Happy to provide feedback via DM!
I would love to be a part of this if it’s not too late.
Hi! I’ll definitely send you instructions over DM! Thanks a bunch!
Would love to help! Pls DM
Thanks a bunch! Just sent you a DM!
Would love to participate, do send me instructions through DM, and I shall reply.
Thanks!! Just sent a DM with the instructions!
Happy to help provide feedback :)
Sending you a DM now! Thanks!