Hi everyone, yet again I'm lost on what to pursue in the midst of all my interests.
For those who are familiar with human design, I'm a Man-Gen and it totally represents me. I have a big range of interests, skills and dreams.
I've been able to figure out that for me "being successful" is to have my own profitable business that will keep growing over time. I know what that business is and it probably will only come true in the next 5-7 years.
My issue is that I'm hardly contempt with what I have at the moment: my full time job. I still want to invest time in another sort of business endeavour in order to generate some passive income. Because I have so many interests, I'm finding hard to stick to one plan to make it work.
This results in me having around 3 to 5 projects going on, not focusing 100% on one, and none is finished or successful.
I'm now considering investing in a career coach, but not sure if it will help at all because:
1. I'm gonna feel that I'm wasting money I could be investing in a project;
2. They're gonna tell me to focus on just one thing (which I don't want), and I will get bored and give up.
I'm looking for advice from people who also have a lot of passions, consider themselves, "successful" or very close to be where they want to be, and if you have ever had a coach? Also, feel free to leave your general life experience advice.
Thank you in advance!