
A Startup Blueprint for Womxn Nontechnical Founders

Do you know your "why"?I've been journaling a lot on mine, and found myself writing, "I just want to unlock and unblock the innovative potential of aspiring entrepreneurs, women, and anyone standing on the sidelines."The world has too many problems to solve! If you agree, whether you have an idea, a prototype, or a working product, I want to invite you to come to my workshop where I introduce my product-market fit framework and give you the startup blueprint to move around those blocks and challenges.I'm offering 3 dates next week:HTTP:// night, I counted: Just this year, over 450 entrepreneurs and innovators have attended, including twice for Founder.University & EdTechWeekI hope I see some Elpha ladies there!
Hi LindseyT. Your post resonated with me. I will check out your worskhop schedule.
I hope you do! Please let me know if you register for the workshop.
I registered for the workshop.
Awesome, Martha!