I have been trying to fix myself into mkt/comms all to no avail. When I apply for jobs, it looks like I fall short. I don't really know why. I have an M.sc that is now looking almost useless to me. In fact when I meet some HR they say I am more like a comms persons not marketing nor brands, One suggested I go back to marketing agency and do graduate trainee with them, I already have like 7 years work experience. I just feel some of the job requirement in some of the jobs I apply for are things I can do well or do when put through. I am experienced and equally a fast learner. Why I am just at the barest minimum all along beats my imagination. Now I am considering going back to an agency for internship or get chartered like NIMN or CIM but the costs are much. I am a low income earner. I really need to know my best bet. I need a change and a rise in my career.
Will be waiting for inputs. Thank you all.