
Paris meet up?

Hello everyone! I'm currently in Paris- looking to see if anyone wants to join for a meet up to connect? ☺️☺️

Thanks so much! Hoping there can be another meet up soon :)
Hey! How long are you there? I’ll be there from 9/2-9/10
Hey @mandirastalwar - I’ll be in Paris from Aug 24 - Sept 3! Let me know if want to meet up ☕️
Hey @MaureenOchs and @sunainakavi thanks for responding! 🥰Looks like September 2nd works for all of us? I’d be happy to meet in the evening for a drink btw all of us, but lmk if that’s tough with your schedules?
Yes let's do it! What's the best way to correspond? If you and @sunainakavi want to PM me your numbers I can start a text?
Works for me!
Hi @mandirastalwar ! I'm based in Paris, happy to meet-up :)
Si tu veux m’envoyer ton numéro en MP, je peux t’ajouter au group WhatsApp!
That’s fantastic! Are you free September 2nd ☺️?
If this is still happening, I’d like to join! I’m in Paris Sept 2nd.
Amazing! I’ll dm you for your number! We’re getting a group chat started thanks to @MaureenOchs!