
Part time Remote Flexible Jobs

Hello Beautiful Elpha Community,

My name is Maria Lopez. I am 31 years old and I was born and raised in Nicaragua. I am lover of personal development, all things wellness, tech, sports and women empowerment. I have a BA in Communications and a masters in public health. I am currently working at a real state company in customer service. I am currently looking for a part time, side hustle, to save more money and have a second source of income. 1. Do you have any suggestion on where to look? 2. One thing I have noticed is that because I am in Nicaragua and I am not a US citizen or resident, its hard for me to apply for thos remote well paid part time positions. Therefore, I am looking for a part time social media manager position, freelance writing position, copywriting, etc. I am billingual in both spanish and english and I am currently learning portuguese. I have had experience working for academia (universities), non profits, start-ups and recently a small business. Please let me know if you have any insight in where to look, who to connect with. In my experience looking for flexible, remote , part time I can do on the weekends a lot of people say the key is to connect with other people who are doing the same.

Thank you so much in advance! Happy to connect with other ladies here:)