
What are some of the best certifications to have?

Certifications add an extra boost to any resume. Also, they help build skillsets.

What are some of the certifications that you have found to be most useful?

I have 4 certifications and only Azure Fundamentals has helped me. The market is saturated with them, so employers aren't impressed. Cert agencies have tried to help ("help") by making them about 300$ now (at least Cisco). Luckily the cloud provider ones seem to be reasonable at about 99$ - 125$ for the entry level ones.
I think many tech certifications are such a ripoff. Many are so expensive and how are companies making bank $$$ on people paying hundreds of dollars to these companies for the opportunity to take an exam for proving familiarity with their products?! What? Its like free marketing of the software products and getting them into the hands of developers to use the products. And many certifications expire/become outdated very quickly with the gazillion version releases. What a ripoff honestly.
I don't disagree with this ... it is unfortunate but you raise very important points.
I don't know what is it you want to accomplish but if you are interested in the world of finance, things like a CFA, Series 7 and other Series license can be very useful!Or totally different but a real estate license!Generally as it was said below, I'd be really wary of adding certifications on the cv for the sake of.