I'm looking for a job as a Full-Stack or Frontend Developer with 3+ years experince!
My prior experince:
I've been working for a startup company to devlope a social media application that inclues all core fetures of well established platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter with additional capablities. I've build out Activities logs displaying real time data, user feeds, media uploaders, commenting and messaging cappablities.
What I'm looking for:
If anyone knows any companies looking to hire a developer with a passion for all or one of the following: Design, UI, UX, testing, feature development using JS/React/Typescript/Node/GraphQL/MongoDB please feel free to connect!
What's been the biggest block in my search:
I've been searching for the past few months and have gotten to the final rounds of interviews with around 4 companies to be dropped after the last interview due to other candiates that surpassed me with 7-10+ years experince.
Any advice or connections would be a great help! Thank you 🙏