
Too Phishy – a phishing detection add-on for Gmail

Hi, I'm Lydia!

I created Too Phishy to improve my ability to detect cleverly made phishing scams. I needed a tool — one that was easy and intuitive — to help when my better judgement wasn't enough.

I also wrote a launch post about the highs and lows of developing in the Gmail add-on ecosystem:

The biggest gift of all is if you try it out. My goal is to get TEN beta users (I'll give you a free lifetime subscription), so DM if you have bandwidth to help out and test it!

Ooh, I'd love to beta try. Also seconding someone's comment on PH about using it for Yahoo Mail, which is where I keep my personal email (Gmail is for business).
Omg thank you. Just sent you a DM to get your gmail email address.As for Yahoo, food for thought!