
Founder Poll: Let's talk about Diversity and Quality of Life!

Let's talk about Diversity and Quality of Life! Let us know who makes up your organization, let us know what is important to you as well as how your quality of life is affected by your company. #leadership #shetransacts #founderstories
Hi there, I'm not sure if it's supposed to do this, however I'm only allowed to choose one number for each row. We have 3 co-founders, 2 of whom are c-suites, no team members and 2 advisors. However, I cannot have two different "2" selections in question #2. In order to move forward without error, I had to have 5 different number selections, which isn't accurate to my company. I figured it may be helpful to know!
I'm so glad you shared this:-) You did it perfectly! Thanks you so much for filling this out. We will share all results with all founders who participated.