
Celebrating: 9 years since I started Happiness Academy, and 6 years since it become my main bussiness

A big milestone is sneaking up upon me - Happiness Academy is celebrating it's 9th birthday! 🤩 🥂

Happiness Academy is one of my two brands/business, focusing on training and workshops in wellbeing, life design & resilience, which I built after 10 years of career in engineering.


First of all, I would love to share with you that this week I am actually taking time to CELEBRATE (which normally I kind of skip to do, entangled in ideas, sharing tools and always designing new creations).

Second, I would also love to remind YOU to celebrate your milestones - small and big.

Third, I would actually be curious about your awesome ideas on how to celebrate this milestone - would you care to share them with me?

If you are curious to hear more about the story of Happiness Academy, I shared more about how it all started on my Linkedin today - do connect there.

(I am also writing the full story for the Happiness Academy this Thursday - it's a bit too long to share here :))

The shortest version of the story:

It started as a single virtual course in 12 modules - at the time called “12 Steps to Happiness” aka Happiness Academy.

Today, it is packed with many different projects, from webinars & workshops to courses, My Remarkable Year mastermind, getaways (our version of retreats), podcast... projects around Europe, and occasionaly around the world.

Supporting others in their Life Design and Wellbeing, while working on my own life design and wellbeing, seeking to truly walk the talk.

(And if this post is inviting you to boost your side-passion as well, to do big shift, too fill your life with more adventures, or perhaps all of it - join me on Life Design workshop on 28th of March and kickstart your plan for your best life: - or get in touch for next dates and other timezone).

Now… how should I celebrate this milestone? 💌

Whisper me your ideas in the comments.

P.S. While I am really not that big on photos of myself, here is a quick photo of taking Happiness Academy around the world 🌍

This is incredible, Mirna! time really flies when you're having fun :) To another 9 years !
indeed... it flies a bit too fast :D :D :D