
Case Study: How We Unlocked $150,000 in Growth for a Managed IT Provider

Struggling to find qualified leads in the managed IT industry? Callbox helped one client land a staggering $150,000 in closed deals from a single campaign! Our secret? A powerful combination of multi-channel outreach and targeted data.

We started by understanding the client’s challenges and goals. This in-depth conversation allowed us to craft a well-thought-out strategy that seamlessly connected them with their ideal customers.

Callbox Drives Sales for Managed IT Firms: $150,000 in New Deals

Challenge: A managed IT firm struggled to find qualified leads and book appointments.

Solution: Callbox created a targeted, multi-channel lead generation campaign focused on the client’s ideal customer profile. Our Pipeline tool streamlined lead management.


  • $150,000 in closed deals from 90 qualified appointments.
  • Personalized approach built trust and engagement with decision-makers.
  • Adaptable strategy kept pace with the client’s evolving needs.
  • Real-time updates ensured client satisfaction.

Here’s how we did it:

  1. Targeted Outreach: We researched the client’s ideal customer profile (industries like banking, real estate) and identified relevant prospects.
  2. Multi-Channel Engagement: We used a mix of phone calls, emails, and social media to reach the right people at the right time.
  3. Personalized Touch: We crafted custom messaging for each touchpoint to resonate with prospects’ needs and interests. This built trust and led to more appointments.
  4. Adaptable Strategy: We adjusted our approach as the client’s goals changed (e.g., new service offerings, expansion into a new market).
  5. Clear Communication: We kept the client informed with real-time updates and progress reports throughout the campaign.

The Callbox Advantage for Managed IT Firms:

  • Reach the decision-makers you need.
  • Build trust and rapport with potential clients.
  • Adapt to your changing market and goals.
  • Gain real-time insights and stay informed.

Fuel your growth! Read the full Callbox Case Study on how we helped a managed IT firm close $150K in deals.